Kind comments we received from the RHS judges

DLDD were honoured to receive such kind comments from the RHS judges, during their visit to Dunstable, when judging for the Britain in Bloom Awards 2022.

“Everyone is clearly proud of Dunstable and the DLDD (Don’t Let Dunstable Die) group had this at its heart. The 20 interpretation boards across the town were nice to see, also in the cemetery as well. The new road signs are eye catching and the Town Rangers and Dunstable Wombles are brilliant at keeping the town spotless. The historic importance of Dunstable with its interpretation and presence of the Priory Church of St Peter (associated with its forming of the Church of England with the annulment of the marriage of Henry VII to Catherine of Aragon), along with the town clock and Old Palace Lodge make interesting reading.”

“Dunstable has plenty of year round activity with all walks of the community involved. incredible Edible is a lovely way to engage with the community and sharing bounty! The Men in Sheds have been wonderfully creative in producing the bird and bat boxes to put up in various locations and running workshops throughout the year. Dunstable Wombles with the monthly litter picks keep the town litter free, we didn’t spot any! DLDD group have a wonderful name and are truly keeping the town alive!”